Get Tracking Code
Returns the tracking code for a campaign.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tracking_code>TRACKING CODE</tracking_code>
Get Campaign Info
Returns basic information for a campaign
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Campaign Name</name>
<status>Campaign Status</status>
<tracking_code>Campaign Tracking Code</tracking_code>
<total_subscribers>Total Subscribers</total_subscribers>
<created_on>YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS</created_on>
<start_date>YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS</start_date>
<end_date>YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS</end_date>
<merge_tag>Merge Tag</merge_tag>
<read_threshold>Read Threshold</read_threshold>
<skim_threshold>Skim Threshold</skim_threshold>
<delete_threshold>Delete Threshold</delete_threshold>
<days_remaining>Days Remaining before campaign expires</days_remaining>
<html>Original Email Source</html>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
name |
The name of the campaign |
String |
status |
The status shows weather or not the campaign is activated yet or not. If activated status will be 'current' other wise status will be 'testing' |
String |
tracking_code |
The tracking code for the campaign |
String |
total_subscribers |
Campaigns total subscribers |
Integer |
created_on |
Date and time the campaign was created. |
String |
start_date |
Date and time the campaign was activated. |
String |
end_date |
Date and time the campaign expires. |
String |
timezone |
Timezone of campaign. |
String |
merge_tag |
Merge tag used in campaign. |
String |
read_threshold |
Maximum amount of seconds for an email to be open before considered 'read'. |
Integer |
skim_threshold |
Maximum amount of seconds for an email to be open before considered 'skimmed'. |
Integer |
delete_threshold |
Maximum amount of seconds for an email to be open before considered 'deleted'. |
Integer |
days_remaining |
Amount of days remaining before campaign expires. |
Integer |
click_tracking |
Click tracking details. |
google |
Enable smooth linking for links with google analytics installed. |
Boolean |
html |
Original Email Source code. |
String |
Get Summary Report
Returns an overview of all of the reports.
- Open Counts
- Click Counts
- Enagagement Stats
- Per day engagement statistics
- Top 10 Email Clients
- Top 5 Countries
- Top 5 Links Clicked
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
Response for Click Tracking Enabled Campaigns:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<total_opens>TOTAL OPENS</total_opens>
<unique_opens>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_opens>
<reads>TOTAL READS</reads>
<skims>TOTAL SKIMS</skims>
<deletes>TOTAL GLANCES</deletes>
<forwards>TOTAL FORWARDS</forwards>
<prints>TOTAL PRINTS</prints>
<amount>CLICK COUNT</amount>
<amount>CLICK COUNT</amount>
<amount>FORWARD COUNT</amount>
<amount>FORWARD COUNT</amount>
<amount>TOTAL OPENS</amount>
<amount>TOTAL OPENS</amount>
<amount>TOTAL PRINTS</amount>
<amount>TOTAL PRINTS</amount>
<amount>UNIQUE CLICKS</amount>
<amount>UNIQUE CLICKS</amount>
<amount>UNIQUE OPENS</amount>
<amount>UNIQUE OPENS</amount>
<client_name>EMAIL CLIENT NAME</client_name>
<unique_total>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_total>
<open_total>TOTAL OPENS</open_total>
<client_name>EMAIL CLIENT NAME</client_name>
<unique_total>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_total>
<open_total>TOTAL OPENS</open_total>
<country_code>COUNTRY CODE</country_code>
<country_name>COUNTRY NAME</country_name>
<unique_open>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_open>
<total_open>TOTAL OPENS</total_open>
<total_forward>TOTAL FORWARDS</total_forward>
<total_print>TOTAL PRINTS</total_print>
<total_delete>TOTAL GLANCES</total_delete>
<total_skim>TOTAL SKIMS</total_skim>
<total_read>TOTAL READS</total_read>
<total_desktop>TOTAL DESKTOP CLIENT OPENS</total_desktop>
<total_mobile>TOTAL MOBILE OPENS</total_mobile>
<total_web_client>TOTAL WEBCLIENT OPENS</total_web_client>
<total_clicks>TOTAL CLICKS</total_clicks>
<unique_clicks>TOTAL UNIQUE CLICKS</unique_clicks>
<total_clicks>TOTAL CLICKS ON THIS LINK</total_clicks>
<unique_clicks>UNIQUE CLICKS FOR THIS LINK</unique_clicks>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
total_opens |
Total amount of times the email was opened |
Integer |
unique_opens |
Count of unique opens for the email. |
Integer |
total_clicks |
Total of all link clicks during this campaign. |
Integer |
unique_clicks |
Total of all unique link clicks during this campaign. |
Integer |
reads |
How many times the email was read. |
Integer |
skims |
How many times the email was skimmed. |
Integer |
deletes |
How many times the email was glanced at. |
Integer |
forwards |
How many times the email was forwarded. |
Integer |
prints |
How many times the email was printed. |
Integer |
stats_per_day |
Contains per day statistics. |
clicks |
Per day click statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for clicks on this day |
Integer |
forwards |
Per day forward statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for forwards on this day |
Integer |
opens |
Per day open statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for opens on this day |
Integer |
prints |
Per day print statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for prints on this day |
Integer |
unique_clicks |
Per day unique click statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for unique clicks on this day |
Integer |
unique_opens |
Per day unique open statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for unique opens on this day |
Integer |
opens_by_environment |
Gives open count for each environment. |
Desktop |
Count for opens in desktop email clients. |
Web |
Count for opens in web email clients. |
Mobile |
Count for opens in mobile devices. |
top_10_clients |
Contains the top 10 email clients for the campaign. |
client |
Client specific statistics. |
client_name |
The name of the email client. |
String |
unique_total |
Count of unique opens in the client. |
Integer |
open_total |
Count of opens in the client. |
Integer |
top_5_links |
Contains the top 5 links that were clicked on for the campaign. |
link |
Link specific statistics. |
url |
Url for the link destination. |
String |
total_clicks |
Number of times this link was clicked. |
Integer |
unique_clicks |
Number of unique clicks on this link. |
Integer |
top_5_countries |
Contains the top r countries for the campaign. |
country |
Link specific statistics. |
country_code |
Abbreviated country code. Example: US |
String |
country_name |
Name of the country |
String |
total_open |
Open count in this country. |
Integer |
total_forward |
Forward count in this country. |
Integer |
total_print |
Print count in this country. |
Integer |
total_delete |
Glance count in this country. |
Integer |
total_skim |
Skim count in this country. |
Integer |
total_read |
Read count in this country. |
Integer |
total_desktop |
Open count for desktop email clients in this country. |
Integer |
total_mobile |
Open count for mobile devices in this country. |
Integer |
total_web_client |
Open count for web email clients in this country. |
Integer |
Response for Click Tracking Disabled Campaigns:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<total_opens>TOTAL OPENS</total_opens>
<unique_opens>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_opens>
<reads>TOTAL READS</reads>
<skims>TOTAL SKIMS</skims>
<deletes>TOTAL GLANCES</deletes>
<forwards>TOTAL FORWARDS</forwards>
<prints>TOTAL PRINTS</prints>
<amount>FORWARD COUNT</amount>
<amount>FORWARD COUNT</amount>
<amount>TOTAL OPENS</amount>
<amount>TOTAL OPENS</amount>
<amount>TOTAL PRINTS</amount>
<amount>TOTAL PRINTS</amount>
<amount>UNIQUE OPENS</amount>
<amount>UNIQUE OPENS</amount>
<client_name>EMAIL CLIENT NAME</client_name>
<unique_total>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_total>
<open_total>TOTAL OPENS</open_total>
<client_name>EMAIL CLIENT NAME</client_name>
<unique_total>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_total>
<open_total>TOTAL OPENS</open_total>
<country_code>COUNTRY CODE</country_code>
<country_name>COUNTRY NAME</country_name>
<unique_open>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_open>
<total_open>TOTAL OPENS</total_open>
<total_forward>TOTAL FORWARDS</total_forward>
<total_print>TOTAL PRINTS</total_print>
<total_delete>TOTAL GLANCES</total_delete>
<total_skim>TOTAL SKIMS</total_skim>
<total_read>TOTAL READS</total_read>
<total_desktop>TOTAL DESKTOP CLIENT OPENS</total_desktop>
<total_mobile>TOTAL MOBILE OPENS</total_mobile>
<total_web_client>TOTAL WEBCLIENT OPENS</total_web_client>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
total_opens |
Total amount of times the email was opened |
Integer |
unique_opens |
Count of unique opens for the email. |
Integer |
reads |
How many times the email was read. |
Integer |
skims |
How many times the email was skimmed. |
Integer |
deletes |
How many times the email was glanced at. |
Integer |
forwards |
How many times the email was forwarded. |
Integer |
prints |
How many times the email was printed. |
Integer |
stats_per_day |
Contains per day statistics. |
forwards |
Per day forward statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for forwards on this day |
Integer |
opens |
Per day open statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for opens on this day |
Integer |
prints |
Per day print statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for prints on this day |
Integer |
unique_opens |
Per day unique open statistics. |
day |
Statistics for a specific day. |
date |
Date for the day. Format: MM-DD-YYYY |
Date Formatted String |
amount |
Count for unique opens on this day |
Integer |
opens_by_environment |
Gives open count for each environment. |
Desktop |
Count for opens in desktop email clients. |
Web |
Count for opens in web email clients. |
Mobile |
Count for opens in mobile devices. |
top_10_clients |
Contains the top 10 email clients for the campaign. |
client |
Client specific statistics. |
client_name |
The name of the email client. |
String |
unique_total |
Count of unique opens in the client. |
Integer |
open_total |
Count of opens in the client. |
Integer |
top_5_countries |
Contains the top 5 countries for the campaign. |
country |
Link specific statistics. |
country_code |
Abbreviated country code. Example: US |
String |
country_name |
Name of the country |
String |
total_open |
Open count in this country. |
Integer |
total_forward |
Forward count in this country. |
Integer |
total_print |
Print count in this country. |
Integer |
total_delete |
Glance count in this country. |
Integer |
total_skim |
Skim count in this country. |
Integer |
total_read |
Read count in this country. |
Integer |
total_desktop |
Open count for desktop email clients in this country. |
Integer |
total_mobile |
Open count for mobile devices in this country. |
Integer |
total_web_client |
Open count for web email clients in this country. |
Integer |
Get Open Count
Returns total open and unique open counts.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<total_opens>TOTAL OPENS</total_opens>
<unique_opens>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_opens>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
total_opens |
Total amount of times the email was opened |
Integer |
unique_opens |
Count of unique opens for the email. |
Integer |
Get Opens For Month
Returns total open and unique open counts for a specific month.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
year_month |
The date of what month to get the open counts for. Must be in the following format: YYYY-MM. |
Date Formatted String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<total_opens>TOTAL OPENS</total_opens>
<unique_opens>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_opens>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
total_opens |
Total amount of times the email was opened |
Integer |
unique_opens |
Count of unique opens for the email. |
Integer |
Get Engagement Report
Returns engagement statistics for a campaign.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<total_opens>TOTAL OPENS</total_opens>
<total_reads>TOTAL READS</total_reads>
<total_skims>TOTAL SKIMS</total_skims>
<total_deletes>TOTAL GLANCES</total_deletes>
<total_forwards>TOTAL FORWARDS</total_forwards>
<total_prints>TOTAL PRINTS</total_prints>
<client_name>CLIENT NAME</client_name>
<unique_opens>TOTAL UNIQUE OPENS FOR CLIENT</unique_opens>
<read_percentage>READ PERCENTAGE FOR CLIENT</read_percentage>
<skim_percentage>SKIM PERCENTAGE FOR CLIENT</skim_percentage>
<deletes>TOTAL GLANCES FOR CLIENT</deletes>
<delete_percentage>DELETE PERCENTAGE FOR CLIENT</delete_percentage>
<device_name>DEVICE NAME</device_name>
<unique_opens>TOTAL UNIQUE OPENS FOR DEVICE</unique_opens>
<read_percentage>READ PERCENTAGE FOR DEVICE</read_percentage>
<skim_percentage>SKIM PERCENTAGE FOR DEVICE</skim_percentage>
<deletes>TOTAL GLANCES FOR DEVICE</deletes>
<delete_percentage>DELETE PERCENTAGE FOR DEVICE</delete_percentage>
<opens>TOTAL OPENS</opens>
<unique_opens>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_opens>
<opens>TOTAL OPENS</opens>
<unique_opens>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_opens>
<opens>TOTAL OPENS</opens>
<unique_opens>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_opens>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
total_opens |
Total amount of times the email was opened |
Integer |
total_reads |
Total amount of times the email was read |
Integer |
total_skims |
Total amount of times the email was skimmed |
Integer |
total_deletes |
Total amount of times the email was glanced at |
Integer |
total_forwards |
Total amount of times the email was forwarded |
Integer |
total_prints |
Total amount of times the email was printed |
Integer |
email_clients |
Statistics for each email client the email was opened in. |
client |
Statistics for a specific email client. |
client_name |
Name of email client |
String |
opens |
Total number of emails opened. |
Integer |
reads |
Total number of emails read. |
Integer |
read_percentage |
Percentage of email reads in this client compared to every other email client. |
Float |
skims |
Total number of emails skimmed. |
Integer |
skim_percentage |
Percentage of email skims in this client compared to every other email client. |
Float |
deletes |
Total number of emails glanced at. |
Integer |
delete_percentage |
Percentage of email glances in this client compared to every other email client. |
Float |
mobile_devices |
Statistics for each mobile device the email was opened in. |
device |
Statistics for a specific mobile device. |
device_name |
Name of mobile device |
String |
opens |
Total number of emails opened. |
Integer |
reads |
Total number of emails read. |
Integer |
read_percentage |
Percentage of email reads in this device compared to every other mobile device. |
Float |
skims |
Total number of emails skimmed. |
Integer |
skim_percentage |
Percentage of email skims in this device compared to every other mobile device. |
Float |
deletes |
Total number of emails glanced at. |
Integer |
delete_percentage |
Percentage of email glances in this device compared to every other mobile device. |
Float |
environments |
Statistics for each environment |
desktop |
Statistics for desktop based email clients |
opens |
Total number of emails opened. |
Integer |
reads |
Total number of emails read. |
Integer |
skims |
Total number of emails skimmed. |
Integer |
deletes |
Total number of emails glanced at. |
Integer |
web |
Statistics for web based email clients |
opens |
Total number of emails opened. |
Integer |
reads |
Total number of emails read. |
Integer |
skims |
Total number of emails skimmed. |
Integer |
deletes |
Total number of emails glanced at. |
Integer |
mobile |
Statistics for mobile based email clients |
opens |
Total number of emails opened. |
Integer |
reads |
Total number of emails read. |
Integer |
skims |
Total number of emails skimmed. |
Integer |
deletes |
Total number of emails glanced at. |
Integer |
Get Email Client Report
Returns break down of email clients the email was opened in and the clients individual statistics.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<client_name>CLIENT NAME</client_name>
<unique_total>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_total>
<open_total>TOTAL OPENS</open_total>
<name>CLIENT NAME</name>
<opens>TOTAL OPENS</opens>
<unique_opens>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_opens>
<percent_total>PERCERNT OF OPENS</percent_total>
<percent_unique>PERCENT OF UNIQUE OPENS</percent_unique>
<name>VERSION NAME</name>
<opens>VERSION OPEN COUNT</opens>
<unique_opens>VERSION UNIQUE OPEN COUNT</unique_opens>
<percent_total>VERSION PERCENT OF OPENS</percent_total>
<percent_unique>VERSION PERCENT OF UNIQUE OPENS</percent_unique>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
top_10_clients |
List of the top ten email clients |
client |
Specific client information |
client_name |
The name of the email client. |
String |
unique_total |
Count of unique opens in the client. |
Integer |
open_total |
Count of opens in the client. |
Integer |
client_breakdown |
List all email clients, their statistics and the statistics for the different versions of each client. |
client |
Specific client information |
name |
The name of the client. |
String |
opens |
Count of opens in the client. |
Integer |
unique_opens |
Count of unique opens in the client. |
Integer |
percent_total |
Percentage of total opens for this client compared to all of the other clients. |
String |
percent_unique |
Percentage of total unique opens for this client compared to all of the other clients. |
String |
versions |
List of all the different client versions and their statistics |
version |
A specific versions statistics |
name |
The name of the client version. |
String |
opens |
Count of opens in the client version. |
Integer |
unique_opens |
Count of unique opens in the client version. |
Integer |
percent_total |
Percentage of total opens for this client version compared to all of the other versions of this client. |
String |
percent_unique |
Percentage of total unique opens for this client version compared to all of the other versions of this client. |
String |
Get Geolocation Report
Returns geolocation statistics for a campaign.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<country_code>COUNTRY CODE</country_code>
<country_name>COUNTRY NAME</country_name>
<unique_open>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_open>
<total_open>TOTAL OPENS</total_open>
<total_forward>TOTAL FORWARDS</total_forward>
<total_print>TOTAL PRINTS</total_print>
<total_delete>TOTAL GLANCES</total_delete>
<total_skim>TOTAL SKIMS</total_skim>
<total_read>TOTAL READS</total_read>
<total_desktop>TOTAL DESKTOP CLIENT OPENS</total_desktop>
<total_mobile>TOTAL MOBILE OPENS</total_mobile>
<total_web_client>TOTAL WEB CLIENT OPENS</total_web_client>
<country_code>COUNTRY CODE</country_code>
<country_name>COUNTRY NAME</country_name>
<unique_open>UNIQUE OPENS</unique_open>
<total_open>TOTAL OPENS</total_open>
<total_forward>TOTAL FORWARDS</total_forward>
<total_print>TOTAL PRINTS</total_print>
<total_delete>TOTAL GLANCES</total_delete>
<total_skim>TOTAL SKIMS</total_skim>
<total_read>TOTAL READS</total_read>
<total_desktop>TOTAL DESKTOP CLIENT OPENS</total_desktop>
<total_mobile>TOTAL MOBILE OPENS</total_mobile>
<total_web_client>TOTAL WEB CLIENT OPENS</total_web_client>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
top_5_countries |
Statistics for top 5 countries |
country |
Statistics specific countries |
country_code |
Abbreviated code for this country. Exampe: US |
String |
country_name |
Name of country. Exampe: United States |
String |
unique_open |
Number of unique opens in this country. |
Integer |
total_open |
Total number of opens in this country. |
Integer |
total_forward |
Total number of forwards in this country. |
Integer |
total_print |
Total number of prints in this country. |
Integer |
total_delete |
Total number of glances in this country. |
Integer |
total_skim |
Total number of skims in this country. |
Integer |
total_read |
Total number of reads in this country. |
Integer |
total_desktop |
Total number of opens in desktop email clients in this country. |
Integer |
total_mobile |
Total number of opens in mobile devices in this country. |
Integer |
total_web |
Total number of opens in web email clients in this country. |
Integer |
country_stats |
Contains statistics for every country using the country code as the element name. |
Get Click Tracking Report
Returns click tracking statistics for a campaign.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<total_clicks>TOTAL CLICKS</total_clicks>
<unique_clicks>UNIQUE CLICKS</unique_clicks>
<url>LINK URL</url>
<total_clicks>TOTAL CLICKS</total_clicks>
<unique_clicks>UNIQUE CLICKS</unique_clicks>
Response Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
total_clicks |
Total clicks for the campaign |
Integer |
unique_clicks |
Count of unique clicks for the campaign. |
Integer |
links |
List of all links and their statistics. |
link |
A specific links statistics. |
url |
The destination url for the link. |
String |
total_clicks |
Click count for the link. |
Integer |
unique_clicks |
Unique click count for the link. |
Integer |
Generate Subscriber Report CSV
Generates a detailed subscriber level report for an analytics campaign.
The call begins the report generation process. Due to the size and processing time required an email must be provided for when the report is completed.
The campain must be using a merge tag to access this report.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<guid>CAMPAIGN GUID</guid>
Request Details:
Element |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Default |
guid |
The unique identifier for the campaign you are attempting to update. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
email_address |
The email address to send the CSV report once it is completed by our system. |
Alpha-numeric String |
Y |
<?xml version="1.0"?>