Get All Tests

This call returns a list of all available tests and some metadata about them. Tests are stored for 90 days.



Example Response:

    "id": "<test_id>",
    "date": 1742986878,
    "type": "email-test",
    "headers": {
        "X-EXAMPLE": "My Header"
    "id": "<test_id>",
    "date": 1742986878,
    "type": "spam-test",
    "headers": {}

Search Tests

This call returns a list of tests that match the criteria in the query string and some metadata about them. Its structure is identical to the above call.

The query string is a standard URL parameterized version containing any or all of the following parameters.



Query String Details

Name Description Example
from The starting point of your test date range. from=2025-03-26 11:01:18, from=1742986878, from=yesterday
to The ending point of your test date range. to=2025-03-26 11:01:18, to=1742986878, to=yesterday
subject The "subject" field of returned tests must contain the exact string. This search is case-insensitive. subject=My+example+test, subject=Another%20example, subject=A%2B tests
headers Enterprise users can use this field in a KV array of x-headers submitted with the test. This is an AND match, meaning all headers must be present to return. headers[x-fun]=most+fun&headers[x-cake]=best+cake
type Test type. One of email-test or spam-test type=email-test
results The number of results to return. Must be between 1 and 200. The default value is 50 results=50
page The page number. If you submit a number higher than the number of pages in the data, an empty array will be returned. The default value is 1 page=2
customer_id The "customer_id" associated with a test. (Enterprise only) customer_id=example_customer
reference_id The "reference_id" associated with a test. (Enterprise only) reference_id=ABCD1234